The MBTI Personality Type: INTJ

I find it quite fascinating how my personality type evolves over the years. I used to be an ENFJ, and now I’m an INTJ. I actually find that the INTJ is a lot more accurate, as I’ve become increasingly introverted and logical over the years. Haha, selectively social, that is :P

In any case, I will put this here for future reference:

The “Architect” personality

You feel lonely at the top, and being one of the rarest and most strategically capable personality types, Architects know this all too well. Architects make up just two percent of the population, and women of this personality type are particularly rare, as they make up only 0.8% of the population. For Architects, it is often difficult to find like-minded individuals who are able to follow their relentless intellectualism and their chess maneuvers. People who have the “Architect” personality type are imaginative but categorical, ambitious and yet secretive, surprisingly curious, but they don't waste their energy.

Nothing Can Stop The Right Attitude From Achieving Its Goal

With a natural thirst for knowledge that manifests itself early in life, Architects are often labeled "bookworms" during their childhood. While this may be intended as an insult by their fellow students, they are more than likely to relate to this image and are often even proud of it, as they value their vast and deep body of knowledge immensely. Architects also like to share what they know, as they are confident in their mastery of subjects of their choice, but they would rather design and execute a brilliant plan in their field than share their opinions on "uninteresting" distractions like gossip.

Paradoxical to most observers, Architects are able to live with glaring contradictions which, nonetheless, make perfect sense, at least from a purely rational point of view. For example, Architects are both the most innocent idealists and the most bitter cynics there is, which would seem to go wrong. Nevertheless, this is because Architects tend to believe that with effort, intelligence and consideration nothing is impossible, while at the same time they think that people are too lazy, deprived. long term or greedy view to really get these fantastic results. Yet this cynical view of reality is unlikely to prevent an interested Architect from obtaining a result that he believes is relevant.

As far as the principles are concerned, no question of giving up an inch

Architects exude self-confidence and an aura of mystery, and their shrewd observations, original ideas and formidable logic enable them to impose change through sheer will and the strength of their personality. At times it will seem that Architects are adamant about deconstructing and reconstructing all ideas and systems with which they come into contact, employing a sense of perfectionism and even morality to accomplish this work. Those who lack the talent to keep up with Architects' processes, or, worse yet, those who fail to see what these processes can be used for, are likely to lose their respect immediately and permanently.

This should not be confused with impulsiveness: Architects will strive to remain rational regardless of the pull exerted by the end goal, and every idea, whether internally generated or borrowed from the world. exterior, must satisfy the ruthless and ubiquitous "Is this going to work?" filter. ". This mechanism is applied all the time, to everything and to all people, and it is often in this type of situation that “Architect” personality types get in trouble.

We Think More When We Travel Alone

Architects are brilliant and trust the bodies of knowledge they have taken the time to understand, but unfortunately the social contract is unlikely to be one of these topics. Pious lies and gossip are hard enough for a guy who longs for truth and depth to bear, but Architects can go so far as to regard a lot of social conventions as downright silly. Ironically, it is often best for them to stay where they are comfortable (away from the spotlight), where the natural confidence that prevails in Architects when they work in familiar surroundings can serve as a personal beacon and attract people, romantic or not, who have similar temperaments and interests.

Architects are defined by their tendency to move through life as if it were a giant chess game whose pieces are constantly being moved with consideration and intelligence, always evaluating new tactics, new strategies and new contingency plans. , constantly gaining the upper hand over their peers in order to keep control of a situation while optimizing their freedom of movement. The point is not to suggest that Architects act without a moral conscience, but for many other personality types, Architects' distaste for impulsive reactions can give such an impression, and this explains why many bad guys imaginaries (and misunderstood heroes) are inspired by this type of personality.

Architect (INTJ) Strengths

  • Rational – Architects pride themselves on their minds. For them, nearly any situation can become an opportunity to expand their knowledge and hone their rational thinking skills. Thanks to this mindset, they can devise inventive solutions to even the most arduous of problems.

  • Informed – Few personality types are as devoted as Architects to forming rational, evidence-based opinions. Rather than hunches or half-baked assumptions, they base their conclusions on research and analysis. This gives them the self-assurance they need to stand up for their ideas, even in the face of disagreement.

  • Independent – For these personality types, conformity is more or less synonymous with mediocrity. Creative and self-motivated, Architects strive to do things their own way. They can imagine few things more frustrating than allowing rules or conventions to stand in the way of their success.

  • Determined – Architect personalities are ambitious and goal-oriented. Whenever an idea or pursuit captures their imagination, Architects dedicate themselves to mastering the subject and gaining relevant skills. They tend to have clear visions of what it means for them to be successful, and few things can deter them from turning these visions into reality.

  • Curious – Architects are open to new ideas – as long as those ideas are rational and evidence-based, that is. Skeptical by nature, these personality types are especially drawn to offbeat or contrarian points of view. They’re even open to changing their own opinions when the facts prove them wrong.

  • Versatile – Architects love diving into all sorts of challenges. Their curiosity and determination can help people with this personality type succeed in a wide range of endeavors.

Architect (INTJ) Weaknesses

  • Arrogant – Architects might be knowledgeable, but they’re not infallible. Their self-assurance can blind them to useful input from other people – especially anyone they deem to be intellectually inferior. These personalities can also become needlessly harsh or single-minded in trying to prove others wrong.

  • Dismissive of Emotions – For Architects, rationality is king. But emotional context often matters more than people with this personality type care to admit. Architects can get impatient with anyone who seems to value feelings more than facts. Unfortunately, ignoring emotion is its own type of bias – one that can cloud Architects’ judgment.

  • Overly Critical – These personalities tend to have a great deal of self-control, particularly when it comes to thoughts and feelings. When the people in their lives fail to match their level of restraint, Architects can become scathingly critical. But this criticism is often unfair, based on arbitrary standards rather than a full understanding of human nature.

  • Combative – Architects hate blindly following anything without understanding why. This includes restrictions and the authority figures who impose them. People with this personality type can get caught up in arguing about useless rules and regulations – but sometimes these battles are distractions from more important matters.

  • Romantically Clueless – Architects’ relentless rationality can lead them to be frustrated by romance. Especially in the early stages of a relationship, they may struggle to understand what’s going on and how to behave. And if their relationships fall apart for reasons they don’t understand, they can become cynical about matters of the heart, even questioning the importance of love and connection.

For full information and to figure out your MBTI, you can refer here.

As grey area of a tool as it is, I find it to be a rather incisive self-diagnostic tool in understanding your personality, behaviour, thought patterns and how you interact with others.